The hassle of USB cables for transferring files from your phone to your computer creates mental stress , sometimes . However there are some wireless , easy and convenient ways too . FTPDroid is an app with which you can turn your phone into an FTP server and transfer files wirelessly between your phone and any FTP client , which removes the hassle of wires . That ethically makes sense , but all you need is a Wifi Connection for a transfer medium . It is one of the most IMPORTANT APP in my phone !
Overall UI :
This app tomorrow updated to Google's Card UI . Overall its simple to operate . When you start the app , it greets you with two tabs , SERVICE and Log , I'll get into that in detail . On the top of the screen it says START and STOP , access via FTP Client and on the right side of there's users tab , again I'll discuss in detail about this . Settings are easy to operate and there's nothing that's difficult to find , which is good for ethics of mind as we get frustrated at a light year's speed .
Swiping from the left of the screen , releases a card , in which there are three options , MANAGE USERS , OPTIONS , HELP . Over-all UI is same as traditional Google apps like Play Music and Google+ and others . As for now , more and more devs are optimising their apps to Card UI . And as you start the app , it automatically starts the access of phone via FTP Client .You can also manage your phone fia FileZilla which is the FTP Client , and also via Windows Explorer . The app is easy to use and there's no hassle in operating it .
Transfer files via Windows Explorer or anyother FTP Client :
When you the start the FTP Access , it gives a link in which in my case is "" which you have to type in Windows Explorer or FTP Client like File Zilla and your phone and computer should be connected to the same Wifi Network . And there you Go , now you can transfer files Wirelessly between your phone and computer . However it is advisable to use Users system built into the app when on public wifi network or open to all wifi network . Although it transfer never go up to the USB Mark , but this method is always convenient for users , who don't want hassle and melodrama of wires . Though ads below may trouble you , but that's the thing we've to live with .
Manage Users :
What this feature actually does it it protects you , when you're on unsecured wifi network or open wifi network or you wan't to little more security over it . You can add users to this , create their name and password , so as you try to access your phone's storage via FTP Client it asks for username and password , so that you are secured enough . Although by default , you can access only phone's storage for transfer , you can specify the particular path like SD Card or other when you add or edit users , in Manage Users , so you can multiple users for different paths , which over whelming sometimes , but it's Okay !
You can un-check Enable anonymous login , so that there's no anonymous login , and all you require is username and password for login , which adds little bit more security .
How it looks in Windows Explorer ?
As soon as you try type FTP address in Windows Explorer , it asks for username and password . It takes about 5 seconds to tranfer 5MB file , so ultimately it's 1MB per second which is good . However sometimes there are connection failures and transfer errors , but they're not often , so no problem at all .
Conclusion :
So overall it's a good to be used in daily life , though it feels sick sometimes , but it becomes very useful in daily life .
MTSquad rating : 8.5/10
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