Changes in Siri :
Now , there's Male/Female voice for Siri . I know this feature , came out with earlier versions , but iPads received this feature with this update , actually the iPhones received this feature with the earlier updates . But , now the one problem arises , which was present in first iOS 7 update ( the first one to update from iOS6 to 7 ) . Siri's male voice feels much more unnatural and un-matured . This problem had it's last day , when 7.0.2 update came out , but it is now live again . But that's nothing to worry about , Female is Okay , and feels matured and natural . But still Siri's can't be up to in terms of functionality , to Google Now , as it prefers internet search more ( though Google Now is not virtual assistance like Siri , but it's functionality is awesome and improving ) .
You can now control Siri with the home button by long pressing . You can make Siri listen by long pressing the home button and make Siri stop listening by long pressing the home button , so there's no misunderstanding between you and Siri and Siri never ends up listening , when you pause in between sometimes speaking . Rest , everything's the same with Siri ...
Improved Performance :
iOS was and is still known to perform better , and smooth with average hardware . If you compare the hardware of iPhone 5s , it can be tracked down to the hardware that was used with Starting series of Galaxy S series , 2 or 3 years before and some HTC Phones before the same time period . But with iOS 7 , performance with the device was bit laggy and there were unexpected app crashes , some security bugs etc as the OS was a major visual change after 6 years of it's existence ..
In terms of performance , particularly the improvement is in apps opening time , sometimes it's feels to fast , but that somewhat makes an appealing fact . But that's good as now OS feels fast as Android in terms of Animations . The issue of the lag seen during , turning iPad for any iDevice is now fixed , and it's now as smooth as iOS 6 which was one kind of Royal OS ..
Performance improvement with Gestures :
iPad gesture , specially five finger pinch to get to the home screen , was really slugish with iOS 7 , but now with 7.1 it's all gone , it's as smooth as it was with iOS 6 . And now the four gesture multitasking gesture is also somewhat smooth in terms of performance .. Four finger toggle between the apps gesture is same as it was with earlier versions , smooth and eye appealing .
Turn off or on Perspective zoom for wallpapers :
The perspective zoom automatically turns or adjusts the wallpapers or makes it to adapt in which direction we're viewing the tablet or phone . This feature came with iOS 7 and now with this update , all you can do is turn it on or off as per your need from wallpaper setting in the settings app . But i would recommend to keep it on because it looks awesome ..
Fixing of Crashing of Settings App :
Earlier with the 7.0.4 update ( which was 16MB small update ) , Apple fixed the SSL bug which was a real threat in terms of security , there was still a bug which caused the settings app to crash when we made double tap on "WallPapers and Brightness" in settings . I don't know whether this was there in iPhones , but with iPads it made it's long way and long existence upto 4 updates from 7.0 to 7.4 , but now finally it's fixed hopefully :)
New white colour moving from Left to Right in Slide-to-Unlock text in lock screen :
In Slide to Unlock Text in lock screen , now there's white colour or kind of light flashing from left to right , and it travels like a beam of light , which looks pretty cute and good . There's no particular improvement with the camera or lock screen , they're same and functioning as ever ..
Some other improvements :
There are minor improvements with the calendar like you can you can slide between the events when viewing single day . Nothing in particular
And now in the control under the music controls , there's the word Music mentioned below
So thank you for reading out this post and hope you like this article and be sure to follow us on interwebz by the name : MTSquadOnline
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