Well that's a fact. The new fact is that Any hardware manufacture can use Android for free without paying a single penny to Google . So if anything is free , we know every person wants to earn it. So Android has now reached to even a very small manufacturers in the markets. Those manufacturers provides Android smartphones at a cheaper rate. (very less than we might think).
The question might arise HOW GOOGLE THEN EARN? It's a typical kind of spreading the name os Google psychology. Google wants to spread it's search engine and everything it has created to people and earning is done through advertise and paid apps on PLAY STORE.Even apps devvelopment's SDK are available free.
Android's achievement in this 5 years in very very good. Now the second point FREEDOM. Android has provided huge freedom to devs unlike Windows Phone and iOS. Devs can join any two end (means can make anything they want) of OS that are not provided through apps. Devs can also make some launcher's which fully changes the looks of UI that came with the mobile.
Also the thing is that manufacturers can modify the looks to their UI as Google had open sourced the codes. UI's like Samsung's TouchWiz , Sony's Timescape , HTC's Sense , LG's OptimusUI etc. are all modified UIz other than stock UI. Stock UI's ( pure android ) can be found in Nexus devices and some mobiles of which manufacturer hasn't changed the UI.
In Android , a person can download apk from any where else and can install it on his phone though that particular app is paid on PLAY STORE . Apps can be downloaded from any source and can be installed and even transferable via BT. This feature isn't available for iOS and Windows Phones.
As per Android is considered , I wish it a BEST OF LUCK , it will definitely be one of the leading OS in the future.
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